Black Currants

In my recent acrylic painting titled "Black Currants," I aimed to delve into the intriguing relationship between mathematics and nature. Through a meticulous portrayal of a branch adorned with blue-black currants, I sought to highlight the inherent mathematical beauty found in natural forms.

Using a pointillist paint application technique, I painstakingly depicted each tiny currant with precision and detail, magnifying their essence on the canvas. The resulting composition captures the delicate textures and forms of the berries, inviting viewers to marvel at their intricate structure.

Against a backdrop of ocher, punctuated by darker rectangles, the currants emerge as focal points, drawing attention to the mathematical principles at play. Through the careful arrangement of colors and shapes, I aimed to underscore the order and symmetry inherent in the natural world.

My intention with this painting was to showcase the subtle yet profound presence of mathematics in everyday phenomena. From the precise spacing of the berries to the geometric patterns within the background, every element serves as a testament to the underlying mathematical concepts of symmetry, proportion, and spatial relationships.

Adopting a factual style devoid of exaggerations, I endeavored to authentically capture the beauty of mathematics in nature. Through keen observation and skillful execution, I aimed to create a work of art that not only delights the eye but also stimulates thought and contemplation.

In conclusion, "Blue-Black Currants" represents my exploration of the intersection between mathematics and the natural world through acrylic art. By celebrating the inherent harmony and complexity found in nature, I hope to inspire viewers to appreciate the profound beauty of mathematics in the world around us.